What’s your Social Wealth looking like? It takes a lot of time and energy to build great, strong, and long lasting business relationships. It’s always a dance between being the givers and the takers. Most of all it’s really all about learning how to come at any new relationship with the intention to understand, serve and help. This creates trust like nothing else. Trust is one of the (if not the) most important ingredients that build strong and long lasting business relationships. Just like anything you have to be willing to put in the time and work to be rewarded. https://www.amazon.com/Social-Wealth-Extraordinary-Relationships-Transforming-ebook/dp/B00N9CA1QY that’s why today we have Jason Treu, the author of Social Wealth , in to share with us how to builds business relationships and connections, the right way. He will also share with us the ways to build lasting business relationships in today’s professional world, including one of his moves to creating new connections easil...